To begin with a series of posts in which I’ll bring you some details of the LEB Gold league and its teams, I’ve chosen Axarquia, Unicaja’s “farm team”. They place there some of their best prospects and make them grow in a really hard competition, against very good Spanish and foreign players.
Young players as Carlos Cobos (a PG about whom you’ll hear in the near future) Jhornan Zamora, Alvaro Martínez, Pablo Almazán, Cesar Lima, Angel García and some not so young but still developing players as Nedzad Sinanovic, who’s been waiting his moment to reach the ACB team (and once he’s reached there, he’ll probably stay)
They played this situation quite often. Beginning with a hand off, they set an off ball screen near the free throw line and from that point, they read the defense.

To play a 1 on 1 using the space “3” leaves when cutting:

To look for the shooting guard’s “come back” if he can’t receive a lob pass to finish with an easy lay up in case the defender gets stucked on the screen. “2” can catch and shot or he can play the pick and roll:
And they can also make it a little bit longer, making the wings play it all the way until the end, with “3” getting the ball and playing the ball screen (maybe they didn’t find a pass earlier, or maybe they wanted to let the shotclock run)
Also, they had the inside pass in case the low post defender was relaxed (not very often as he is in ball side, mostly defending three quarters in front of “5”) Having Sinanovic there helped anyway, and created a focus to make it easier for the wings to play on help side.
Let's watch it:
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