Thursday, April 25, 2013

Balance - Kyle Hines

One of the last couple of seasons' most amazing players is Kyle Hines, at 6'5" he is able to play fantastic defense against much bigger players, as we are watching during this Olympiakos - Efes series, in which he often matches against Barac (7'1") or Erden (6'11")

While not many people thought he could play at European top level, he's shown how a smart use of his body and a big level of effort and basketball knowledge made him one of the keys for Olympiacos to win the Euroleague last season and to be fighting for another Final Four presence in quarter final's 5th game tomorrow.

What I want to show today is pretty basic, although not many players (specially young - and big - players) understand its importance. Kyle Hines does. Keeping gravity center low.

Let's take a look at some screenshots:
  • Defending far from the basket. It will allow him to put pressure on the ball, and to react to the offensive player's decisions

  •  Defending in low post, denying the easy straight pass, and always ready to steal the lob pass.

  • Behind the back of his player. Keeping the position so he won't allow the back to the basket move. Keeping his man off the paint.

  • Defensive rebound, again, keeping his man as far as posible from the ball

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